Project: ASCEND

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Project: ASCEND


Year One (2012-2013)

My first year with ASCEND was primarily spent getting familiar with tools and materials as a volunteer. I went through ASU’s machine shop certification and worked through common Arduino libraries. We built a fuselage out of carbon fiber fabric and epoxy and logged accelerometer data to an Arduino Shield with a SD Card slot.

Year Two (2013-2014)

This year I was employed by NASA Space Grant/Fellowship to lead the electronics design. I focused on getting the sensors like the accelerometer and the UV sensor reliably writing to the SD Cards.

Year Three (2014-2015)

I continued leading the electronics design and focused on adding new sensors. We added Radiation Sensors and IR Cameras to the payload.

Year Four (2015-2016)

My final year with ASCEND was spent focusing on transferring knowledge as I built up documentation and trained the new batch of engineers. I focused on incorporating gas sensors like Natural Gas and Propane.


Working with ASCEND while at ASU was a great opportunity to design electronics and lead a team of student engineers and scientists.

Mason Denney

Mason Denney

Software Engineer