Prisma Cloud and Bridgecrew

- 1 min

Prisma Cloud and Bridgecrew

Prisma Cloud

Palo Alto Prisma Cloud is currently offering workshops for prospective customers at These workshops start with a sales pitch and end with a hands-on self-guided workshop. The the instructions for the workshops are at which I forked into a personal repo at


Several years ago Palo Alto Networks acquired Bridgecrew. Bridgecrew created checkov as well as a few other tools. At the end of the workshop instructions you can find a list of vulnerable by design terraform repos by bridegecrew such as:

Prisma Cloud Terraform Providers

You can find all PaloAltoNetworks Providers here:

Prisma Cloud APIs

There are different APIs that have different URLs and schemas, enterprise docs at

Mason Denney

Mason Denney

Software Engineer